Editing Services & Reviews
I am pleased and honored to offer editing services to my clients—both from publishing houses and privately. You may wish to have different editors for one or more of these processes. Having different eyes and levels of expertise is important. Just as one of these edits is insufficient to guarantee a good manuscript, it is equally as critical to have input from more than one source. These sources should also be professional and objective—in other words not your mother or best friend! Most important, don’t cheat yourself on the cheap by skipping any of these services you might need. You’ve worked too hard to write your book, and it’s worth it.
My services include:
Developmental Editing: This is an overall look at ideas, organization, and structure rather than a detailed review or grammatical corrections.
Content Editing: Provides a more detailed look at the manuscript’s construction chapter by chapter, checking for tone, voice, and flow.
Line Editing: This is a complete, detailed focus on all aspects of the manuscript. Development and content should be in place before diving in to this phase of editing.
Copyediting and Proofreading: When the manuscript is finished, this round of edits will focus on a complete and scrupulous review for any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors that may have been missed previously. Proofreading is the final review before publication.